Get Up!
We fall, we get knocked down. Sometimes it feels like it’s just too much trouble to get back up.
Hurt, disappointment, life not going the way we thought it would—those things make us want to hide our heads under a blanket and stay there all day.
Can I challenge that thought today though? Can I ask you to consider getting up one more time?
I’ve found that when life lifes, when we get a little banged up or bruised or our hearts get stepped on, there’s usually something great coming right behind that.
There’s a lesson we need to learn, someone we need to meet, a new path forward we couldn’t see from our old vantage point.
When we stay down, we are saying to the world—I give up! I have nothing left to offer.
But if we’re still breathing, we still have purpose and that’s something to let ourselves get a few excitement butterflies in our tummies about.
Whether or not we can see it right now, there is purpose for our pain and joy for the morning. There is a way forward, and his name is Jesus.
The Creator of the world wants to help you up, walk with you, do life with you—even in the hard.
Today, grab his hand. Let him help you up and then lead you wherever he has planned for you.
Don’t stay down. It’s too important in the Kingdom for you to keep going.
Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Psalms 30:5 NIV