Momming Hard

I read somewhere that cleaning house with kids in it is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos. You can do it, but it’s not super effective.

I find this to be very true.

At one point in my mothering (not to be confused with smothering…) I had four kids under ten and two were in diapers. I counted it as a victory if I knew where all my kids were and they were all wearing pants.

Now that my kids are all older and can feed and clothe themselves, I thought I would have a highly organized and efficiently running household but that’s not the case.

Because, teenagers.

Having teens is like no other experience I’ve ever had! One day I’m the best, the next day they can’t even begin to put into words how dumb they think I am. (Insert eye roll here.)

I’m this season, I’m just trying to raise good humans and organize my home while not losing my ish on my people. Trying to make my way gracefully through the minefield that is teenagers, while also reminding them that I’m the mama and I may have some insight and experience they don’t yet have is not always easy.

Reminds me of my relationship with God.

I get all high and mighty, thinking I know best which way to go, rolling my eyes at anyone who tries to tell me different.

Then I find myself in a tough spot, and all I want is my heavenly Father to comfort me and tell me I am still precious and loved, even if I messed up.

These days I’m trying to be more like Him, parent like Him. I’m working on being patient as I guide these kids to adulthood. I am (mostly) ignoring the eye rolls and snarky attitude because when it all comes undone (and it does on a fairly regular basis for teens), they need to know I will be here for them.

I will remind them how much both me and their heavenly Father love them.

No matter what.


Missing It

