Living the Dream

Dreams are weird.

This past week I had a dream where it appeared I was in a university setting of some sort. I was in a group of people all wearing white coats. When I went to the hook under my name—my white coat was gone!

I went up to the person in charge, and when she turned around, it was my OB/GYN. I told her I can’t find my white coat!

She told me not to worry about that right now because the much more pressing issue was that I needed to find a seat so I could take MY MEDICAL SCHOOL TEST.

Ah, that explains why I needed the white coat. And why everyone around me was wearing them.

Apparently, I was in medical school and though someone bogarted my doctor coat, I still needed to take a test for a school I didn’t know I was even enrolled in.

As I was trying to convey this to my doctor, who was proctoring our test, (because of course, that’s what OB/GYNs do in their spare time), I heard a bell ringing somewhere in the distance.

That dang bell wouldn’t stop ringing!

Coming from the depths of deep sleep, I realized it was my alarm. It was a good thing I was saved by the bell because I was not ready for that test.

Life feels like this sometimes.

We wake up one day in a new and strange environment and we don’t know how to handle it yet. It feels like we’re thrown test after test that we haven’t studied for. And we didn’t know about.

If you are in the middle of a test right now and someone has taken your white coat and you’re pretty sure you didn’t even enroll in this class, take heart!

God says in this world we will have trouble… BUT… he has overcome the world (John 16:33). He has overcome the tests we face, the storms threatening to dump us out of the boat, the mountains that need to be moved.

He has overcome them all.

If you’re feeling stressed because you haven’t studied or you didn’t even know this was going to be on the exam, remember the GOAT-the Greatest Overcomer of All Time.

He has overcome everything that is coming against you right now. He is for you, and he has good plans for you.

Take heart, he has overcome the world.

Do me a favor: if you see my white coat anywhere, let me know. You never know when I might need it.


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