Press Pause

As a mom of four, I have learned a few things—often at the hands of my kids.

I have learned that Legos hurt like a mother when you step on them. Is it just me, or does it seem worse in the middle of the night?

I’ve learned that my driving words are not kid-appropriate, and have replaced them with with lingo like Farfegnugen and half-donkey (for when my kids are doing things halfway).

I have learned that nearly everything is better if I pause.

And I need to pause often—

Before I speak. Before I make a decision. Before I spend money, come unglued, or lose my ish (there’s that lingo I was talking about earlier).

One of the best ways I have learned to pause is to pray.

As a prayer warrior, praying is natural to me when I’m fighting battles on my knees or when I’m bringing my worries and concerns to the Lord.

But praying in my pause is a newer habit for me. It often helps me make better decisions, slows my brain down enough to get a clearer picture or word from God, and gives me peace about the situation before I even know the answer.

We all need to pause. Most of us need to pause multiple times per day but often don’t. We excuse ourselves and our packed schedule and allow the running and gunning (old runner/gunner right here!) instead of taking a moment to ourselves. Or taking a moment with God.

That pause might be the difference between a good decision and a better one. It might mean NOT saying words you’ll have to apologize for later. It may be the thing that keeps you from getting into debt, trouble, or a situation that you shouldn’t be in.

Maybe it’s time to practice the pause.

You don’t have to be perfect at it—I’m surely not. But the more I practice this holy pause, the more clearly my priorities tend to be, the closer I draw into the Presence of God, and the better choices I make.

Give it a try, I’d love to know what you think!



*image cred: Vexels


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